What do I want to get out of PodCamp 3 Boston?

Ah but what am I looking to get out of the weekend’s podcamp? Here are some problems I am wrestling with:

  • WordPress: tags v. categories
  • Performance characteristics of social sites (surviving your first slashdot/dugg momnent)
  • Who can introduce me to Tim Spalding, MIT has questions for LibraryThing
  • Is there a Librarian in the house? Lets talk Zotero, EndNote, Scriblio, crossref, DOI, Google Scholar, as an online scholarly publisher I want to know about you and your patrons, What/how should we be doing things better
  • Google search appliance and enterprise content, where can the smaller publishers fit in if your a margin of error away from not being included in your own enterprise’s search.
  • Audio post-production, what are some ballpark estimates of the time required to clean up and publish interview; equipment recommendations, pointers on whose doing this well and whose doing it better. How can we provide maximum  value back to out community of readers / listeners?
  • Video on a reasonable budget, partnerships, metrics, standing on the shoulders of turtles.

And the ubiquitous question: “What question didn’t I ask that I should have?” — What’s on your mind?

5 thoughts on “What do I want to get out of PodCamp 3 Boston?

  1. Pingback: » PodCamp Boston Is This Weekend MaisonBisson.com

  2. I had every intention of going but it happens to be the only weekend I can install our new hardwood floors. My boss will bee there (http://themindofbriancharlson.com/) If you see him and his guidedog bethel, be sure to introduce yourself. He is the OPPOSITE of shy.

    While you’re there, see if you can find out how we can make flash video players accessible. They’re ubiquitous now and they all seem to stem from the same source code i.e. buttons are not properly labeled (they read button 1, button 2, button 3, etc) and common commands like play/pause, volume up/down, ffwd, rwd, etc are not accessible via the keyboard.

    enjoy and take good notes for me ;)

  3. Hehe. Sorry I missed you @pcb3. Had some questions ways to use LibraryThing at work with our editors. You can email me if you’d like seanmbrown on gmail

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